IAminath Abdullah Didi - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maldives - IOCDn a statement delivered to the Sixth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, the Maldives highlighted its efforts to strengthen rule of law at national and international level.  


The statement focused on the pledges submitted by the Maldives to the United Nations Secretary General in September this year on its efforts to strengthen the rule of law. Among these include Maldives’ commitment to accede and ratify important international instruments such as the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation, as well as those conventions targeting crime, forced disappearance of persons, and the rights of migrant workers within the next two years.



The Maldives announced a number of measures in order to strengthen the rule of law at the national level.  These include an action programme to support the strengthening of the justice sector and human resource development in the area of rule of law.  The measures also include a plan being developed for enhancing the institutional capacity of law enforcement agencies with a view to strengthening their review and oversight mechanism.


The statement further gave information about an agenda being developed in the Maldives for corporate governance and economic sector regulation as well as on the strengthening of public spending and financial accountability.


The statement was delivered by Ms. Aminath Abdulla Didi from the Maldives, delegation to the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.